Silly Rabbit.

The full-on trailer for QT’s Kill Bill is now online and…um, well, it looks better than the teaser, at any rate. I expect to see this in a double feature with the Coen’s Intolerable Cruelty on October 10, but I must say I still have pretty big reservations about this project (and I like mace-wielding Japanese schoolgirls as much as the next guy.) I guess we’ll see. Also in the trailer pipe, Halle Berry’s Gothika (due out October 24)…ho-hum.

Here Comes the Bride.

The teaser poster for Kill Bill (pt. I) makes it online. More appealing than the first trailer, at any rate. Also, in movie news, the trailer for Matrix: Revolutions is now available in Quicktime. I haven’t seen it yet, but word is it’s similar to the footage from Enter the Matrix.


Hmmm…the rumor’s been around for a few weeks, but it’s finally been confirmed: Tarantino’s Kill Bill is being split in two. Something smells fishy to me. Even as a QT fan back in the day, I thought the first trailer for this (excuse me, these) film(s) was really blah. Is Harvey Weinstein forcing a return on what’s starting to look like a dodgy property? I guess we’ll have to spend twice as much to find out.