Craig’s Lust.

As you’ve probably heard, Idaho Senator and GOP “family values” conservative Larry Craig was recently arrested for disorderly conduct, i.e. attempting to solicit an undercover cop for sex in a bathroom, at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. I don’t usually cover sex scandals here — for example, I didn’t post on Sen. David Vitter’s recent foibles when they emerged, even despite the patent hypocrisy of his case. That being said, the Craig case is starting to look like Mark Foley territory, in that his bad behavior may help the Dems pick up a seat in the formidably Republican bastion of Idaho. At the very least, let’s remember all this the next time the GOP tries to foment a constitutional crisis over illicit, consensual sex. Update: Sensing the blood in the water, the GOP pile on. If Craig does resign, Idaho’s GOP governor will pick a replacement (and, presumably, save the seat.)

Patriotic Insurgency.

“I don’t want to hear again from the attorney general or anyone on this floor that this government has shown it can be trusted to use the power we give it with restraint and care.” Aided by today’s shocking revelation that the NSA has been monitoring thousands of international calls without a warrant since 2002, a group of Senators led by Russ Feingold — and including four Republicans (Craig, Hagel, Murkowski, and Sununu) — succeed in defeating an extension of the Patriot Act. At this point, I might as well put a Feingold 2008 banner over on the sidebar — Ever since the McCain-Feingold days, the Senator from Wisconsin has continued to rise in my esteem, and this once again proves his mettle as our most forthright and committed progressive standard-bearer. Bravo!

Imposing Firepower.

So much for local control. GOP gun-nuts — led by Senator Larry Craig of Idaho — try to force the District of Columbia to rescind its gun ban and “roll back registration requirements.” Republicans, argues DC Mayor Anthony Williams, are ‘using our District as a pawn. It’s an incredible assault on home rule.’