“‘Lawrence Spivak, who founded ‘Meet the Press,’ told me before he died that the job of the host is to learn as much as you can about your guest’s positions and take the other side,’ he said in a 2007 interview with Time magazine. ‘And to do that in a persistent and civil way. And that’s what I try to do every Sunday.’” Moynihan man turned pundit-king Tim Russert, 1950-2008. Now, that‘s a surprise. Russert was a guy I actually met a few times during my Carville days (in fact, I once inadvertently hit him with a whiffleball bat…long story), and he always seemed a genuine, amiable sort, particularly by DC talking-head standards. Obviously, his unique brand of political interrogation left something to be desired. Still, he was taken relatively young (and before his father), which is always tragic. Rest in peace, Russ.