Separated at birth? Someone brave soul at LiveJournal dares to investigate the strange confluence of Christian Bale and Kermit the Frog. Now we know why Nolan picked him for The Prestige…[Via Quiddity.]
Tag: Muppets

So, let’s enjoy the 4th, and take a moment not only to remember how precarious the American experiment once was, but also to ponder what we hope to make of it in our own time. For, regardless of how terrible the past eight years — or forty years, for that matter — have been, “we have it in our power to begin the world over again.“
Update: The Muppets are celebrating too. (Via Bitten Tongue/Gideonse Bible.)

We Still Think of You, Jim Henson.
Alas, today would’ve been Jim Henson’s 70th birthday. In honor of the occasion, my sis-in-law sent along a scan of this sad (and arguably deeply disturbing) comic, which originally appeared in Cerebus back in the day (and which I used to have on a T-shirt, before it disintegrated.) Happy birthday, JH.
Oh, Bird.
Which Sesame Street Muppet’s Dark Secret Are You? (Via Zippylog.) I’m not going to tell you which one mine was…who cares? I’m imaginary anyway.