A new power is rising.

Treebeard! Gollum! Balrog! Oliphaunt! Wargs! The Two Towers trailer has arrived, and it looks absolutely amazing…It’s a thing of beauty, and the Requiem for a Dream theme fits nicely too. I’m not sure how I feel yet about what PJ’s doing with Elrond (And where are he and Aragorn having this discussion?), but he’s earned my trust thus far. Update: Take it frame-by-frame.

Aw, yeah, baby.

There is a union now between the Two Towers, Orthanc and Barad-dur… Update: The new TTT teaser is available here, although you’ll have much better luck downloading it from Kazaa. (I did.) For those of you who’ve also been watching the flickery bootleg of the post-Fellowship preview over and over again, there’s not much different here (other than a Galadriel voiceover, slightly more Grima, and a few new lines.) Gollum’s clearly had more work done on him, though. You can see it in theaters in front of MIB2 July 3.