A very happy St. Patrick’s Day to you and yours.
Haunting the Web Since 1999
A belated happy St. Patrick’s Day to you and yours.
“May you have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night, and a road downhill all the way to home.“
A very happy St. PaVtrick’s Day to you and yours. I expect my own holiday will involve some permutation of NCAA basketball, slightly too much Guinness, and a vicinal viewing of Vendetta (which is getting mixed reviews thus far — Still, as far as Alan Moore adaptations go, it has to be better than LXG, and I’d only be moderately disappointed if it’s comparable to the Hughes Brothers’ take on From Hell.) At any rate, have a good one…and be sure to don some green!
A very happy St. Patrick’s Day to you and yours. (Don’t miss this chance to rent Miller’s Crossing and/or have a Guinness or three.) My own St. Paddy’s should be relatively downbeat, for, as I suspected, it’s been much busier than usual over in these parts. Freelance work aside, I’ve been swimming neck-deep in political theory for a solid week now in prep for the big day. And I’ll be lugging a sack of books with me this weekend on what passes for my Spring Break vacation…Vegas Redux. (I know, I was down on the place last year, but it’s always good to catch up with old friends, and perhaps the glitz of the Strip will seem less jarring this time without the 24-hr CNN greenscreens of war on the other channel.) At any rate, if you want to approximate the GitM experience this weekend, peruse The Road to Serfdom or Democracy in America, while occasionally plying your hand at Deuces Wild. Between Hayek and games of chance, I’m feeling like Bill Bennett’s dream American at the moment.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you and yours. Sadly, I don’t have any real plans for the occasion this year, but I’m sure I’ll find a pint of Guinness somewhere. Til then, may you have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night, and a road downhill all the way to home.