Left of Letterman?

“Q: Do you think it’s weird that talk radio is all right all the time? A: No, it’s not weird. Because liberal people don’t need to hear their view expressed over and over again. I think some people on the right need to hear this constant reinforcement, whereas I don’t find that necessary.Jay Leno comes out as a lefty to LA Weekly. But, sadly, he also seems to harbor minimal faith in the transformative power of comedy…Ever heard of the Daily Show, Jay?

Pilot Needs a Hug.

No need to break the Sci-Fi boycott until the main event, ’cause the trailer for Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars is now online. It doesn’t look like they’ll be attracting any new fans with this miniseries, what with all the various unresolved subplots alluded to in the trailer alone (I’d forgotten about Wormhole Business-Suit Guy, for example), but at least we ‘Scapers will finally get some closure.

Bring in Da’ Noise, Bring in Da’ Funk.

Two fanboy icons get the Remix treatment…First, Tyler Durden gets all Tekken up in here with Fight Club: The Game. (Hmm, sadly, it looks Ikea-Nesting-Instinct-lame.) Meanwhile, Kirk & co. get their funk on in this strange ad for the Star Trek Original Series DVD. Well, it’s definitely more fun than an Odd-numbered Trek.

The Doctor Meets the Grid (and the Matrix).

Filming on the new Doctor Who runs afoul of British anti-terrorism forces. The article also has one of the first pics up of Christopher Eccleston as The Doctor. Between this and the Batman post above, I know I’m starting to sound like the fanboy Joan Rivers…but what’s up with the lousy costume? Surely, any Time Lord worth his salt would wear something a mite more quirky.

Bend it like Baker, Pertwee, and Davison.

Word is BBC’s new Dr. Who will face David Beckham and a handful of other celebrities when the Autons take over Madame Tussaud’s in the forthcoming new series. I hadn’t heard that Christopher Eccleston has been confirmed as the ninth Doctor before, either. That’s not bad, although he’d probably have made a better Master.

Requiem for Felix.

Politically outspoken against Republicans, he joked that although he hoped his funeral would be attended by far-flung dignitaries that his friends should bar President Bush and Vice President Cheney from entrance ‘because everyone knew how much I hated them.’R.I.P. Tony Randall 1920-2004. He was one of those guys who seemed like he’d be around forever. Man, that’s just depressing.