By way of my sister and much like the M&Ms horror film game blogged a few weeks ago, test your skill at deciphering Viking Stationery Movies. So far, I’ve got 18-20…missing the markers in the road and the paperclip fellow getting run over.
Tag: Tests
Lots of Co. points the way to a fun timekiller: the MyHeritage Facial Recognition Analyzer, wherein you can compare a photo of yourself with their celebrity database. To be honest, the results seem kinda arbitrary. I tried three pics and never got the same result. In fact, I got:
Pic 1: Jeff Bridges, Sean Astin, Bela Bartok, Ashley Olson
Pic 2: Chloe Sevigny, Natalie Wood, Jude Law, Matt Damon
Pic 3: Ernst Lubitch, Carrie Underwood, Billy Boyd, Rupert Grint
So, I seem to look androgynous and hobbitlike…but, hey, at least Anthony Michael Hall didn’t come up.
Rabbit Run.
By way of Cliopatria, What book are you? Sixty-four different choices, and they aren’t as readily guessable as in most online quizzes. As it turns out, I’m “Watership Down…Though many think of you as a bit young, even childish, you’re actually incredibly deep and complex. You show people the need to rethink their assumptions, and confront them on everything from how they think to where they build their houses. You might be one of the greatest people of all time. You’d be recognized as such if you weren’t always talking about talking rabbits.” Ah, rabbits.
All the Presidents’ Hair.
Sigh…it’s time to face facts. I’m a failure as an American historian. All that time spent reading big, high-falutin’ books, and I could only muster 3 out of 7 Presidential Haircuts the first time around? Oof, the ignominy. (By way of my sis.)
World Mapper Pretend.
Test your geography skills, via Pith and Vinegar. Oof, my performance on the South American map the first time around was pretty embarrassing.
Chancellors of the Republic.
In honor of President’s Day (and by way of LinkMachineGo and WebGoddess), it’s every politically-minded fanboy’s favorite party game, Bush or Palpatine? Their overconfidence is their weakness.
Lyrics Carry.
By way of Cheesedip and Do You Feel Loved?, test your knowledge of 80’s lyrics. As a child of the Eighties, I got a 97.
You Are Where You Live.
Via a friend in the program, look up the top market segmentations within your zipcode. I guess I’m probably Bohemian Mix or Young Digerati.
Daredevil I ain’t.
Test your sensory acuity. (Via Webgoddess) I ended up being utterly average, although I really want to appeal the bacon one.
Check the map.
By way of A Small Victory, test your geography with this interactive map of the Middle East. I have to admit, the first time around I did pretty poorly, particularly in Central Africa and the former Soviet Union.