As part of the sixth anniversary festivities for The Leaky Cauldron, the Harry Potter blog-turned-comprehensive-fansite I set up way back when, Melissa Anelli, Sue Upton, and John Noe — current heads of the site team (now numbering 150 strong) — interviewed me this week on their weekly Pottercast. Great job over there, y’all, and thanks for the chance to reminisce.
Tag: The Leaky Cauldron
La coupe de feu.
The Leaky Cauldron procures the international trailer for HP and the Goblet of Fire (Scroll down.) With the exception of that truly terrible falling sequence near the end there, this looks like it could be as entertaining as Azkhaban.
A wandering eye.
The Leaky Cauldron procures several shots from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, including new looks at the Triwizard contestants, Cho Chang, and Mad-Eye Moody here at right.
The Leak has Sprung.
B.K. DeLong of Brainstream reports that The Leaky Cauldron, the Harry Potter-themed blog I started at the old Geocities site years and years ago, has not only been deemed J.K. Rowling’s favorite fan site, but is also on the short list of press invites to Rowling’s home once the Half-Blood Prince arrives. A hearty congrats to the Cauldron team!
What did I have to do with this? Less than nothing, really — the site just kinda sat there until B.K. took it over and turned it into the flagship Potter fan site. But I did find this news another interesting reflection of just how much Internet-time’s passed since GitM first got off the ground (the second in two days.) I’m old, Gandalf. I may not look it, but I feel it…