Internecine Warfare.

As Dean scores another Internet coup and looks even more competitive in New Hampshire, the DLC tries to scare the left into submission with polls suggesting a mass defection of white males (veterans notwithstanding, I presume.) Perhaps it should be noted that Mark Penn is currently working for the Lieberman campaign. In related news, Jonathans Chait and Cohn debate Dean’s effect on the race in TNR. And, finally, John Edwards announces his health care plan in New Hampshire in Clintonesque fashion. (Veteran link via Follow Me Here.)


Along with an Anti-Dean cover story (“Must he be stopped?” asks the Jonathan Chait piece), the New Republic evaluates the political consequences of Dean’s rise for the rest of the field. Given how absurdly in the tank for Gore TNR was during the last Dem primary, their endorsement holds very little weight with me. In related news, the Greens start planning for their own 2004 campaign, for which we can once again thank the DLC. So long as Republicratic Dems continue to attack their own left flank in the early going, the Greens will continue to ignore the Democrat in the general election. It’s not rocket science, y’all. You don’t see the GOP declaring war on their own true believers.

Pride of New Hampshire.

Hmm…maybe John Kerry has a better chance in 2004 than I first thought. For one, Dem leaders are starting to publicly beg Gore to stay out of the election. And you know Kerry’s got the Gore crowd worried when Marty Peretz’s Gore Republic starts trying to undercut Kerry’s strengths, such as Vietnam service and foreign policy credentials. More importantly, in a recent New Hampshire poll, Gore is only beating Kerry by three points, 31 to 28. Obviously, being from nearby Massachusetts helps, but if Kerry can pull a McCain-like bounce out of the NH primary without having to spend too much money… Update: In a related story, Joe Lieberman is also starting to make his move.

Friendly Fire.

Will the Greens derail Paul Wellstone? Normally, I’m very sympathetic of Green challenges to Dem candidates, but Wellstone is about as progressive as they come. That being said, TNR‘s got no credibility on the issue. They’ve despised the Greens ever since Nader first threatened to upset Marty Peretz’s favorite son.