“Dark Wings, Dumb Words.”

Haunting the Web Since 1999
“If you’ve never been listed in Wikipedia, you can always argue that your omission is an oversight. Not me. I’ve been placed under a microscope and, on the basis of careful and dispassionate analysis, excluded from the most comprehensive encyclopedia ever devised. Ouch!” Slate‘s Tim Noah discovers he’s not famous enough for Wikipedia (at first.)
“Colbert stepped farther through the looking glass by editing Wikipedia’s ‘Stephen Colbert’ entry during his show. He railed against the Encyclopedia Britannica’s assertion that George Washington owned slaves. ‘If I want to say he didn’t, that’s my right,’ Colbert said. On Wikipedia’s “George Washington” entry, the following phrase appeared at the end: ‘In conclusion, George Washington did not own slaves.’” The inimitable Stephen Colbert sends his legions against Wikipedia. (Via Now This.)
“It’s a horrible precedent, allowing the subject of an entry determine what can and cannot be written about them. It would be one thing if the slanderous and innaccurate entries from one particularly psychotic fan were allowed to go through and remain in place, but the entire Wikipedia project has shown that self-policing is it’s greatest strength.” By way of LinkMachineGo, longtime and often-controversial comic writer-artist John Byrne goes to war over his Wikipedia entry. (Comparison of the two entries here.)
By way of Supercres, here’s a really neat time-killer: Omnipelagos, a.k.a. Six Degrees of Anything (on Wikipedia.)