Over in Slate and in honor of his new solo movie (which I’m still planning to skip — I’m sure it’ll be mildly entertaining on TNT in a few years), Grady Hendrix doffs his hat to the enduring popularity of Wolverine. If you say so, bub. When I wasn’t crushing on Kitty Pryde — I was always more of a Nightcrawler kid, so i’ll take your word for it. At any rate, Hendrix’s evisceration of the trademark Claremont style is pretty funny (although I’d disagree with him that Wolvie is Claremont’s Malcolm X — That would be Magneto.)
I have no fanboy credentials here, since I only know the X-Men from the movies. Still, I always said my favorite mutant was Nightcrawler, who I always referred to as “the blue Catholic German teleporting mutant with a tail” (at which point my stepson would correct me with exasperation, “Nightcrawler!”).
Just got back from a midnight screening. Meh…just make sure something like Saved by the Bell isn’t on another station while watching it on TNT. 4/10