3/30/01 - Metascene makes a solid case for the virtues of the official Leonardo di Caprio homepage.
So, unfortunately, my man Berkeley here has come down with an ear infection, which is nothing serious but does involve me having to grapple him to the floor twice a day to stick antibiotics down his ear canals. As a result, he's got this wet look about him these days which just screams mid-eighties at me. As my brother noted last night, I think he's sporting the exact same do as Alan Wilder of Depeche Mode, or possibly one of the gang from Flock of Seagulls or Kajoogoogoo.
In Hollywood, the long-feared strike gets ever closer.
Breaking news...Hurricane hits Sesame Street...Big Bird's Nest Destroyed...More to Follow.
Get your Dark Name (Via Not Enough of Me.) I'm either a Quiet Samurai or Fanatical Menace, depending on whether or not I keep the middle C. Ah, silly name...the meme that never grows old.
Could it really be happening? McCain-Feingold forces successfully repel the non-severability amendment and look to win the day come Monday's final vote. This is the most faith-restoring political news I've heard in over a year. Of course, the bill must still pass the House, domain of the Exterminator and his minions. And then there's always the final hurdle, the desk of Dubya...although Mitch McConnell (R-KY) seems to indicate that Bush will sign what Congress gives him.
Speaking of the Prez, don't say he's a do-nothing: Bush takes direct action to save the game of baseball. Apparently, games of T-ball will be played on the South Lawn to amuse the Child King while the Vice-Presidential regent runs the nation.
Daily Radar previews Throne of Bhaal, the final installment of the Baldur's Gate II series. But, until that comes out, I think I'm going to make a run at the much-hyped Black and White, which the Radar labels "one of the most compelling, beautiful and impressive pieces of code we have played in a long, long time" and CNN/Gamepro calls "the best game ever." Okay, I'm in.
Today's casting news from Dark Horizons: Joseph Fiennes, late of Enemy at the Gates, may take the starring role in Frank "Shawshank" Darabont's remake of Fahrenheit 451. Also, stage veteran Harry Lennix is slated to take on Morpheus in the Matrix sequels.
R.E.M. drops us another song from Reveal, "Chorus and the Ring."
I usually leave the Survivor 2 commentary to the much more trenchant Lots of Co., but I just have to say - see ya, Jerri, you devious little brat. Couldn't have happened to a nicer person.
3/29/01 -
Ian McKellen answers LOTR-related fanmail on his personal webpage.
Maybe Dubya has a subliminal need to be Jimmy Carter. Now that he's successfully talked the economy down, Bush now declares America is in an energy crisis. Trust a Stag party President to try and reintroduce stagflation.
A very happy blogday to Cluttered.
Featured in the trailer bin today is the new trailer for Swordfish. This looks rather awful, and John Travolta is as usual horribly miscast, but perhaps Hugh Jackman and Don Cheadle'll bring something to the table.
In the latest round of campaign finance talks, Fred Thompson saves the day on the hard money issue. (I'm with Now This - increases in hard money spending sounds like a perfectly reasonable compromise to me.) But a non-severability amendment looms, which if passed could end up killing McCain-Feingold in the courts.
The once and future breakup of R.E.M., in Q Magazine.
'Zo's back in the Heat lineup, despite his kidney ailment. Power to him, but, as David Aldridge notes, is this really a good idea?
Possible huge spoiler for the next (even-numbered, thank goodness) Trek flick. Word is the villain will be none other than Spock, who at last sighting was hanging around the Romulan underground. Also, on the pleading of Patrick Stewart, Jean-Luc Picard will buy the farm. The film's slated for next spring.
Two weeks after the Times, the Post also examines the increasingly likely possibility of a Schwarzenegger gubernatorial candidacy in California.
Is there a House in New Orleans? (Via Lake Effect.) By the way, if you play guitar, the song is easy, great, fingerpicking fun: Am C D F Am C E,
Am C D F Am E Am.
William Saletan pulls apart David Horowitz on his recent anti-reparations media junket.
It's the Memphis Express vs. the Louisville Colonels...ESPN delves into an until-recently untapped revenue stream for pro sports, team naming rights. And, in other product placement news, Harry gets a pic of the 2003 Cadillac Evoq, car of Neo, Trinity, and all your other Matrix 2 stars.
3/26/01 - The Memphis Grizzlies? I thought I'd read a poll somewhere that noted that Tennesseans generally don't much care for basketball, and that Memphis will be the league's smallest market. I wonder if FedEx's commitment will be enough to fill the seats.
TNR's Michelle Cottle surveys the more unappetizing aspects of Texas on the Potomac.
So, the Oscars were last night as everyone knows, and I must say, when Marcia Gay Harden went up early for Best Supporting Actress, I thought we might be seeing a night of upsets. Unfortunately, the system reasserted itself in the third hour with Russell, Julia, and Gladiator all winning undeserved awards...ah, well. Highlight of the evening for me was Bob Dylan's performance of and acceptance for "Things Have Changed," even if we were subjected to a Remote Satellite Extreme Close-Up of his splotchy Chester-the-molester 'stache all throughout the first verse. You go, Bob.
Week 2 of Campaign Finance Debate begins, with Senators McCain and Feingold trying to put the kibosh on the loophole-ridden Hagel bill and House Whip and right-wing crazy Tom DeLay declaring he will do everything in his power to kill the bill. If DeLay loathes McCain-Feingold, you know it must be worth passing.
Just before Oscar weekend, Slate offers a social perspective of Wilson the Volleyball.
3/23/01 - It's a bird, it's a plane...it's Comrade Superman? Pat Buchanan, among others, aren't too happy about a forthcoming communist take on the Supes mythos by Scottish writer Mark Millar.
Peek-a-boo. Ewan MacGregor eyes some no doubt nefarious shenanigans in the most recent Episode 2 select. He's also popped up with much less hair on Scottish TV recently to talk Black Hawk Down.
R.E.M. discusses Reveal with MTV.
E.J. Dionne on Reagan memorial madness. "Perhaps we should simply rename ourselves the Ronald Reagan United States of America."
Of geeks and gamers: Salon offers Part One of the fall and rise of Wizards of the Coast. Are you allowed to discriminate against Federation personnel in job hiring like that?
The Mir goes down. You'd think one of the key installations of Humankind's initial forays into the stars wouldn't suffer such an ignominious end. I didn't even get a taco out of the deal.